Welcome to the Graduate Liberal Studies at Rice. Exploring liberal arts at a highly integrated level is not always possible in a career-focused undergraduate curriculum. At GLS, students are invited to go beyond the ordinary, stretch their imaginations and grow into a more well-rounded thinker.

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About GLS

Expand your knowledge base, pursue a new path or gain a deeper understanding of the world. By examining timeless, timely human questions within the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, students satisfy their curiosity about the world through art, literature, science, politics, human nature and history.

The Graduate Liberal Studies program at Rice University is designed for those who crave intellectual challenges at a world-class university. Graduate Liberal Studies programs are tailored toward working adults, retirees and other non-traditional university students who wish to broaden their knowledge in fields they may not have studied in their earlier education.

Two unique paths are available: the well-established Master of Interdisciplinary Studies degree and the all-new Diploma in Liberal Studies degree. Both paths are designed for those who love to learn new ideas, explore new worlds, and enjoy meeting others who are part of the same expedition. All courses are taught by distinguished Rice faculty and invited visiting faculty who maintain the high academic standards of Rice University.

Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
Diploma in Liberal Studies
Dual Credit Teacher Credentialing


The Graduate Liberal Studies programs are founded on the principle that, in an increasingly complex and siloed world, a liberal arts education provides the interdisciplinary skills needed to thrive in our 21st century knowledge economy. Our two graduate liberal studies programs, the Master of Interdisciplinary Studies and the Diploma in Liberal Studies, will contribute to the mission of Rice University by providing a rigorous curriculum in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences for adults who, based on a love of learning, desire a graduate-level education in the liberal arts.

Rice University hosts the national office and is a proud member institution of the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs (AGLSP).

Our Team

Rebecca Sharp
Rebecca Sharp

Graduate Liberal Studies, Director

Kim Raptis
Kim Raptis

Graduate Liberal Studies, Associate Director

Support GLS

I'd like to support GLS by making a gift.

The most critical funding needs for student scholarships. Please contact our office.

I'd like to support GLS by making a course development gift.

A culture, communities, students and research evolve, so must our program offerings to meet new needs. Funding for new program development helps us stay ahead of the curve.

I'd like to support GLS by making a gift to the Center for Education.

As part of Rice's Center for Education, our Dual Credit Teacher Credentialing program benefits from resources and capabilities the center provides. A gift to the Center of Education increases our potential impact across all areas of education in the Houston area.

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