Cin-Ty Lee

I am a geologist/petrologist/geochemist who investigates how our planet has evolved with time, from the deepest parts of the Earth's mantle to the continental crust and to the atmosphere. I combine field mapping and sampling with state-of-the-art analytical tools (mass spectrometry, x- ray spectrometry, electron probe microanalysis) and simple analytical and numerical modeling. I have worked on continent formation and destruction, redox evolution of the Earth's interior, the origin of various ore deposits, the petrological structure of volcanic margins, and the origin of granites. I am now working on the geochemical interactions between the deep Earth and oceans/atmospheres to better understand what controls long-term climate evolution.


petrology, continent formation and destruction, magma chamber processes, whole Earth carbon cycling


B.A. Geology (1996) University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. Geochemistry (2001) Harvard University
Postdoc (2001-2002) Caltech
