Alex Oftelie

Job Title: Senior VP of Data Science

Organization: BWF

Education: Bachelor’s degree, St. Olaf College and master’s degree, University of Minnesota


Alexander Oftelie is the senior vice president of decision science at BWF where he oversees all analytics engagements, workshops and trainings, and product implementation. His specific areas of expertise include predictive modeling, business impact analysis, survey design and sampling methodology, analytics training, and analytics implementation. Prior to working at BWF, Mr. Oftelie worked as a nonprofit subject matter expert for IBM, and as an advanced analytics consultant for Gallup. At IBM, Mr. Oftelie specialized in helping clients understand and demonstrate the impact of business analytics on fundraising and engagement efforts of nonprofits throughout North America. He is a recognized leader, speaker, and trainer for CASE, AHP, and Apra. Mr. Oftelie earned his bachelor’s degree from St. Olaf College and a master’s degree from the University of Minnesota.

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