
Job Title: Vice President of Data Insight and Managing Director of DAFinitive®

Organization: The Helen Brown Group, LLC

Degree(s): B.A.; masters’ degrees in arts administration and higher education administration

Melissa Bank Stepno is the Vice President of Data Insight and Managing Director of DAFinitive® for The Helen Brown Group.

Based in NH, Melissa has worked in the non-profit industry for more than two decades, spending the majority of her time consulting with non-profits on using wealth screenings, predictive modeling and other analytics to drive prospecting efforts and strategic decision making. 

Previously, she worked for Blackbaud, Boston University and Boston Ballet. Melissa served for 6 years on the Apra Board, having led the organization as President from 2021-2022, and is the 2021 recipient of the NEDRA Ann Castle Award for service to the prospect research community.  She has also served on the boards of NEDRA, AFP Northern New England, and the Brandeis University Alumni Association.

Melissa received her BA from Brandeis University and master's degrees in Arts Administration and Higher Education Administration from Boston University.

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